Jenkins Build Monitor
CatLight can monitor Jenkins jobs and show them on the dashboard.
Personalized monitoring
Each member of your team can have the CatLight app that will run on his computer. He can configure the app to monitor specific jobs that are important for him.
When a build status changes,
CatLight will change the color of the tray icon and show a notification
on the desktop.
Git branches and pull requests
See a separate build history for each Git branch and pull request. You can choose between monitoring all branches or just your own. CatLight will monitor only active branches to keep your dashboard neat and clean.
CatLight supports Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline plugin and GitHub organizational folders.
Jenkins folders
CatLight can monitor jobs from Jenkins folders and subfolders. You can select what jobs you want to track.
Build Investigations
When a job is broken, anyone can press the "I will investigate" button on the dashboard. CatLight will notify your team that he is looking at the build.
Multiple accounts
CatLight can connect to multiple Jenkins servers. You can connect anonymously, if you server supports it, or provide an API token to connect.